Ayan Mao
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China
Title: A cost analysis of the lung cancer screen program in Beijing
Biography: Ayan Mao
Objective To conduct with a crude cost analysis of the lung cancer screen program in Beijing, and provide data evidence for further cost--utility analysis. Methods Based on stratified cluster sampling method, we carried out a 2-stage lung screen program within 6 districts, Dongcheng, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai and Shijingshan, of Beijing city between October, 2012 to May 2013. The first stage of the program was to conducting a packaging cancer risk level evaluation for community residents who were forty years older, and the second stage’s task was to providing low-dose CT scan exam for those high risk people who were selected from the first stage. There were about 12,953 residents were involved in this program. We calculated the main cost of the lung cancer screen program in Beijing, include cost for program management and operation, stage 1 and 2 screening, and other indirected cost. Result 2,172 high risk residents were selected by the first stage and 1,739 accepted the Low-dose CT exam, participate rate was 80.06%. A total 233 participates had been found positive nodules and 12 of them were suspected of lung cancer at the second stage. The total cost for this lung cancer screen program, was 982,281 RMB (155,242US$), and cost per funding was about 4,216 RMB (667US$). Discussion: Compare with other Low-dose CT scan based lung cancer screening programs, the cost per finding in our study was low. The average medical cost for a lung cancer patient was 79,583 RMB (12,582US$) in Beijing city while the medical cost for a precancerous case was 14,350 RMB(2,269 US$). Although the follow-up cost for further medical care data was not available by now, we could expect a good promising for cost-benefit result in this screening program. Conclusion The Low-dose CT scan based lung cancer screening program shows its potential on medical expenditure saving in Beijing city.